How To Play Blackjack in Casino: Basic Rules #2

Do you know how gamblers play blackjack in casinos? No? So you should read this post carefully and thoughtfully. If yeah – you know – you can repeat this :-).

The initial post about this theme – Blackjack Basic Rules #1

The Course of Blackjack Game

Usually at the playing table there are some players simultaneously, who stake on before the beginning of a game, they put chips on the boxes, which they occupied. After that, a dealer gives each player a card, takes a card for himself and again dispenses cards to the players.
All cards are put abroach. Now a croupier plays with each player by turn. At one moment, a game comes up to you.

For example, you stake $100. You can see 2 your cards and 1 dealer’s card. The cards of the rest players are of no importance to you, you only play against the dealer. Two your cards are your initial combination, which you can try to improve by taking additional cards. Then the croupier will do the same, “improving” his only card. The winner is the owner of the better combination. The rate of the winning is your bet ($100). But if you had luck and you hand blackjack, the dealer will pay 3:2, i.e. your winning will be $150.

If your cards and the dealer’s ones are of the same value, the game is a draw. (In international language of a casino, “a draw” is called “push” or “stay”). That is why such good combination as blackjack, in principle, cannot guarantee a winning.

The players are not allowed to touch their cards. Usually the players communicate with a dealer not with the help of words, but gestures. If, for example, you want to take an additional card, you point the finger at your combination.

When completing the gain, you give the go-ahead to the next player or show with the hand, that it is enough.

Except taking cards, you have some interesting opportunities. We will have a good look at them later, and now let us concentrate on additional cards. If you are not satisfied with the initial cards, you ask a dealer to open one more card. Having evaluated the given combination, you can ask for another card and so on. Finally, either you stop or a game ends with an excess, and a croupier immediately gets your bet.

While taking cards you should remember about the “duplicity” of the aces. Having got a three or an ace, you have 14 or 4 pips. Let us suppose that you take one more card and again it is an ace. Now you have either 15 or 5 pips (just not 25!).

You can ask boldly for another card, because you are insured against the excess. Irrespective of given aces, the sum of the pips can have only two values. If the sum is really double-valued, the combination is called “soft”, otherwise – the “hard” one. A combination with one or two aces can also turn out to be hard, for example, the combination ?-?-4-6 gives exactly 12 pips.

Soft or hard combination, which gives 21 pips or blackjack, is considered to be completed.

“Having served” all the players a dealer gathers its own combination (If there no excess at all boxes). In contrast to you, the dealer works just automatically. He has to take cards until the sum of the pips is 17 or more (It goes also to soft combinations like ?-6 or ?-5-3). As soon as it happens, the gain stops. If a dealer has an excess, you won. Otherwise, he compares his own combination with the player’s cards and a payment takes place.

If an excess happened at all boxes and a croupier should not to deal him another card, he takes away his only card together with player’s ones in a special pile of cards, which are won back. For the next surrender, the dealer’s card is not retained.

When the game is over, the used cards are put aside, the rest ones are not mixed and a new surrender begins. If you want, you can try to remember which cards are out of the running, and which are still there.

The shuffle of a deck happens, when a croupier get to so called “cutting card”, which he made beforehand. It cuts off about a third of all playing cards, that is, in fact, not 312 cards take part in a game, but 200-220.

After shuffling of a deck, the dealer makes a cutting card again and the new cycle of dispensing begins, in casino slang, it is called a new shuffle. We can add that the entry in a game is not connected with the beginning of a new cycle (shuffle); it is possible before any new shuffling.

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